The first and best-known Nutramedix remedy. The same is extracted from the bark of cat's claw (Unicaria tomentosa). Cat's claw in general is attributed with effects on the immune system, inflammatory processes and antimicrobial properties. The first and best-known Nutramedix remedy. The same is extracted from the bark of cat's claw (Unicaria tomentosa). Cat's claw in general is said to have effects on the immune system, inflammatory processes and antimicrobial properties. Samento from Nutramedix contains only the pentacyclic form of active ingredient (so-called POA) and is free of the tetracyclic variant (TOA-free). Recommended dose: 2 x daily 1-30 drops in water (20-30 min. before meals). Start with one drop of Samento, increasing by one drop with each additional dose for a total of 30 drops. Do not use during pregnancy and lactation. Discontinue use if side effects occur.