Ideal long-lasting product to purify your home: -A combination of 20 x 100% pure organic essential oils -Essential oils with the EOBBD guarantee (Essential Botanical and Biochemical Defined Oil) -Can be diffused at any time of the day Thanks to a combination of 20 organic essential oils, the air puro diffusion complex cleanses your home, leaving a pleasant smell in its wake. It mainly contains essential oil of peppermint, rosemary, cajeput, tea tree and ravintsara. All essential oils used in our diffusion complexes have the HEBBD guarantee. HEBBD stands for Botanically and Biochemically Defined Essential Oils. In botanical terms, this means that the plant-producing organ that generates the essential oil, the precise Latin botanical name, and the country of origin are defined. In biochemical terms, the plant chemotype is fully defined by chromatography (laboratory analysis of ingredients), which is carried out for each new batch of essential oil. This label also specifies that the essential oil is 100% pure and natural. Recommendations for use: -Keep out of the reach of children. -Do not apply to the skin and do not swallow. -Do not burn essential oils. -Do not use in the presence of pregnant women, infants or children and wait about 30 minutes before they return to the room in question.